What is Auto-Replay and How It Works
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- > What is Auto-Replay and How It Works
Use all the functionality of ReHold along with the Auto Replay option. This feature allows you to reinvest your tokens after the end of the staking period without paying additional gas fees. You repeat an already completed transaction and at the same time save cryptocurrency.
How does it work?
- Connect your wallet to ReHold.
- Open a new dual on the selected network.
- Activate the 'Auto Replay' feature above the 'Start' button before confirming the Dual. It's important to note that you can always switch this function off before closing the Dual if the market conditions are not advantageous at that moment.
You can enable Auto Replay even after you have closed Dual and before claiming it. To do this, open the Auto Replay menu and switch the slider in it.
Why to use Auto Replay?
— It is absolutely gas-free — you make the same transactions, but you don’t have to pay gas fees. — It's convenient as you do not need to open the duals manually
When to use?
It is better to use Auto Replay in the following cases: — Unidirectional market, when the crypto-only goes down or only goes up — Flat market with low volatility.
When there is high volatility in the market, one should understand the possible risks during these periods.
Open your Auto Replay Dual here: https://go.rehold.io/autoreplay
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