The ReHold's Polygon Festival is in full swing, providing you with an opportunity to open Dual Investments in QuickSwap (QUICK), and earn a high 200% APR while receiving a Gas-Refund on all opened Duals on Polygon. Don't miss out on this chance to increase your earnings while investing in QuickSwap (QUICK) Duals on ReHold!


What is QuickSwap (QUICK)?

QuickSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that operates on the Polygon network. It is a fork of the popular DEX, Uniswap. QuickSwap offers users faster and cheaper transactions by utilizing the scalability benefits of Polygon. Users can enjoy low transaction fees and "quick" swaps only a Layer 2 solution like Polygon can offer.

How to Earn a 200% APR on QuickSwap (QUICK) with Gas-Refund

To earn a 200% APR on QUICK Duals, ensure that they are open before April 30th. During ReHold's Polygon Festival, you will not only receive your yield but also an unlimited Gas-Refund. On May 1st, we will refund all of the gas you spent.

Don't forget that you can earn a 200% APR on duals such as QUICK/USDT, QUICK/USDC, and QUICK/DAI using the innovative ReHold protocol at Dual Investments. Follow these six easy steps to try it out:

  1. Connect your wallet Open the ReHold App, choose Polygon Network and connect your Polygon wallet.

pol_step_1.png 2. Choose any available Polygon Network asset Select the token that you need: MATIC, SAND, GHST, QUICK, ETH or BTC. You can start a dual investment with each token of the pair.

pol_step_2.png 3. Choose a staking period Select how many hours you want to lock your tokens. The longer the staking period, the higher the yield you will receive.

pol_step_3.png 4. Choose the start token Select the start token and the amount you want to invest.

pol_step_4.png 5. Approve the token To start a dual investment, you need to allow smart contracts to use your tokens. It's required only once for a selected token.

pol_step_5.png 6. Start your Dual Click on “Start Now” to create your Polygon Dual and receive your reward after the staking period.

pol_step_6.png That's all! Your Dual is created, and at the end of the staking period, you can take your assets back to your wallet or open a new Dual.


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It takes seconds to create your first Dual Investment
