HBTC to eXRD Crypto Swap on ReHold

The ReHold Swap introduces an innovative approach to cryptocurrency exchange, particularly with the HBTC to eXRD crypto swap on their secure decentralized exchange (DEX). Offering users a seamless and efficient experience, ReHold combines the convenience of a swap with the benefits of decentralized finance (DeFi). With features such as a price calculator and converter, ReHold caters to crypto enthusiasts looking to effortlessly swap their Huobi BTC for E-RADIX tokens on the HBTC/eXRD exchange.

HBTC to eXRD Exchange Converter

Before engaging in the HBTC/eXRD exchange, users can leverage ReHold's price calculator to estimate the amount of eXRD they will receive. This helpful tool allows individuals to make informed decisions based on the current conversion rate between Huobi BTC and E-RADIX. With ReHold, users can confidently navigate the swap process and ensure they have a clear understanding of the expected outcome.

Main Features of ReHold Swap

Minimal Slippage

ReHold Swaps for the HBTC/eXRD pair offer unmatched liquidity, enabling transactions of any size at any time. The platform ensures minimal slippage between executed and expected prices when swapping Huobi BTC to E-RADIX, allowing users to seamlessly convert their crypto assets while preserving the value of their investment. ReHold's commitment to maintaining favorable market conditions ensures optimal trading experiences.

Best HBTC and eXRD Market Prices

With ReHold's intelligent routing system, users can enjoy the best trading opportunities when converting from Huobi BTC to E-RADIX. Leveraging advanced technology, ReHold scans various decentralized exchanges (DEXes) to secure the most advantageous market prices without incorporating any markups or hidden fees. This ensures transparency and maximizes the benefits for users engaging in the HBTC/eXRD swap.

Comprehensive Chain Support

The ReHold app supports a wide range of blockchains, including Ethereum, BNB Chain, Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon, Avalanche, Base, and Linea. With a total of 9 supported chains, ReHold stands as a comprehensive protocol catering to the diverse needs of crypto enthusiasts. Users can easily swap their assets across multiple blockchains through ReHold, broadening their opportunities and enhancing their trading flexibility.

Dual Investment and Swap Synergy

By combining Dual Investments with ReHold Swaps, users unlock a synergy resulting in increased returns and expanded investment opportunities. ReHold's innovative approach enables individuals to explore various investment avenues while seamlessly swapping their crypto assets. With up to 220% APR offered on Dual Investments, ReHold empowers users to make the most of their digital assets within a secure and decentralized ecosystem.

How To Swap HBTC to eXRD on ReHold

If you're looking to exchange tokens efficiently, ReHold provides a straightforward Swap feature that allows for quick and direct token swaps within its platform.

  1. Open Swap Page Visit https://app.rehold.io/swap or click the Swap in the app to access the Swap page. "How to Swap HBTC to eXRD on ReHold (Step 1)"
  2. Connect Your Wallet You can connect with a range of wallets including MetaMask, Trust Wallet, Coinbase Wallet, and others, or even sign in using Gmail for added convenience. "How to Swap HBTC to eXRD on ReHold (Step 2)"
  3. Select a Token for Swap In the drop-down menu, choose the token you wish to swap and enter the amount. "How to Swap HBTC to eXRD on ReHold (Step 3)"
  4. Choose Your Desired Token Select the token you aim to receive from the lower drop-down menu. "How to Swap HBTC to eXRD on ReHold (Step 4)"
  5. Approve the Token Before starting the Swap, authorize smart contracts to access your selected token. This authorization is a one-time requirement per token. "How to Swap HBTC to eXRD on ReHold (Step 5)"
  6. Execute Your Swap Hit the Swap button and confirm the transaction in your wallet. "How to Swap HBTC to eXRD on ReHold (Step 6)"

That's all! Your swap was executed and the amount of eXRD was sent to your wallet after the transaction was confirmed on the blockchain.

"How to Swap HBTC to eXRD on ReHold (Step 7)"


In conclusion, ReHold Swaps serve as the epitome of excellence in the world of decentralized exchanges. Offering a seamless and secure platform for crypto enthusiasts, ReHold delivers unparalleled advantages for individuals looking to swap their assets. With innovative features, unmatched liquidity, intelligent routing, broad blockchain support, and the synergy between Dual Investments and Swaps, ReHold stands as the premier choice for those seeking the best crypto exchange experience.

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