
Pepe (PEPE) | Price Prediction | 160% APR

PEPE is one of the most popular memecoins built on the Ethereum blockchain. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, PEPE is a deflationary token, which means its supply decreases over time.

Memecoins are cryptocurrencies inspired by popular internet memes. Examples include Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. PEPE's concept stems from the internet meme "Pepe the Frog" created by Matt Furie in the early 2000s. During the meme season between April and May 2023, PEPE achieved a market capitalization of $1.6 billion.

PEPE Price on ReHold

ReHold uses Chainlink, which connects the blockchain with external data sources, to determine the price of PEPE/USD. Decentralization in PEPE/USD price determination provides several advantages. It ensures that problems, like price manipulation, spikes, and slippages found in centralized exchange (CEX) products are avoided. In addition, the price of PEPE is determined by supply and demand.

How to Earn Passive Income on PEPE

ReHold offers a unique DeFi earning solution through Dual Investments. Dual Investments enable users to earn up to 160% APR on pairs such as PEPE/USDT, PEPE/USDC, and PEPE/DAI. By staking their PEPE tokens, users can earn passive income while benefiting from its no-tax policy.

Pepe (PEPE) Price Prediction

Predicting PEPE/USD future price can be challenging due to the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies. Two key drivers for PEPE/USD value are its burning mechanism—to maintain scarcity—and the social media hype. As witnessed during the meme season where PEPE's popularity skyrocketed, it's reasonable to expect a price surge. However, the market's inherent volatility means prices will inevitably fluctuate.

PEPE Value

The value of PEPE is influenced significantly by social media discussions and its decreasing total supply. As conversations about PEPE proliferate and its social value rises, we can anticipate its price trending upwards.

160% APR on PEPE Duals

PEPE Duals offers an attractive opportunity for users to earn passive income of up to 160% APR on pairs such as PEPE/USDT, PEPE/USDC, and PEPE/DAI. ReHold maintains robust security measures while using its platform and strives to minimize risks. Start now and unlock unlimited potential opportunities from your PEPE Duals.

How to Earn 160% APR on PEPE

If you're interested in earning passive income on PEPE, ReHold offers a unique DeFi-earning solution where you can earn 160% APR on pairs such as PEPE/USDT, PEPE/USDC, and PEPE/DAI by using the innovative ReHold protocol at Dual Investments. Follow these six easy steps to get started:

  1. Connect Your Wallet Open the ReHold App and connect your Web3 wallet. You can choose any Web3 wallet that supports BNB Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Optimism, and Arbitrum. step_1.png
  2. Choose the PEPE Dual Asset Select the dual you need: PEPE/USDT, PEPE/USDC, and PEPE/DAI. You can start a dual investment with each token of the pair. step_2.png
  3. Choose a Staking Period Select how many hours you want to lock your tokens. The longer the staking period, the higher the yield you will receive. step_3.png
  4. Choose the Start Token Select the start token and the amount you want to invest. You can use the PEPE token with the USDT, USDC, or DAI of the dual asset. step_4.png
  5. Approve the Token To start a dual Investment, you need to allow smart contracts to use your tokens. It's required only once for a selected token. step_5.png
  6. Start Your Dual Click “Start Now” to create your PEPE dual and receive your reward after the staking period. step_6.png That's all! Your dual is created, and at the end of the staking period, you can take your assets back to your wallet or open a new Dual. done.png Also, if you are interested in long-term investing, you can activate the auto-replay feature, and your dual will automatically restart when the staking period ends. This will save you gas, simplify the passive income process, and increase your earnings.

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