
SPACE ID (ID) | Price Prediction | 120% APR

ID is the pivotal governance token associated with SPACE ID, a cutting-edge universal naming service tailored for Web3 domains. By setting the gold standard in the Web3 naming domain, SPACE ID has propelled the ID token to the zenith of the ecosystem.

Not only does holding ID tokens come with inherent perks, such as substantial discounts on trading fees, but it also paves the way for further savings on transactions within the SPACE ID ecosystem. In essence, the success and dynamism of the SPACE ID ecosystem are deeply intertwined with the ID token.

ID Price on ReHold

ReHold uses Chainlink to determine the price of ID/USD, just as it does for other cryptocurrencies. Decentralization in ID/USD price determination ensures against issues like price manipulation, spikes, and slippages that are prevalent in centralized exchange (CEX) products.

How to Earn Passive Income on ID

In the SPACE ID ecosystem stakeholders including liquidity providers and ID holders are provided an opportunity to earn by actively staking their ID tokens. Additionally, the ID Dual including pairs such as ID/USDC and ID/USDT by ReHold offers a more profitable avenue with a potential APR of up to 120%. By staking in SPACE ID, participants strengthen the network's security and enhance its liquidity.

SPACE ID (ID) Price Prediction

Predicting ID/USD future prices can be challenging due to the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies. A key driver for the ID/USD value is its utility within SPACE ID’s ecosystem with more people finding more need for a Web3 domain. This increase in demand will drive the price of ID up. It's important to watch out for this and always research before making a decision.

ID value

ID’s value is inherently tied to the SPACE ID technology's success and the growth of the Web3 naming ecosystem. As activity increases, the token's value naturally follows. With the rising adoption of the platform and ecosystem use, there's a potential for significant growth in the ID’s market value.

120% APR on ID Dual

ReHold offers users the opportunity to earn up to 120% annual interest through ID Duals. By staking ID tokens, users not only receive rewards but also participate in the network's security and decision-making.

How to Earn 120% ID APR on ID

If you're interested in earning passive income on ID, ReHold offers a unique earning solution where you can earn 120% APR on pairs such as ID/USDT and ID/USDC, by using the innovative ReHold protocol at Dual Investments. Follow these six easy steps to get started:

  1. Connect Your Wallet Open the ReHold App and connect your Web3 wallet. Choose a Web3 wallet compatible with one or more of these networks: BNB Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Optimism, and Arbitrum. step_1.png
  2. Choose the ID Dual asset Select the dual you need: ID/USDC or ID/USDT. You can start a dual investment with each token of the pair. step_2.png
  3. Choose a staking period Select how many hours you want to lock your tokens. The longer the staking period, the higher the yield you will receive. step_3.png
  4. Choose the start token Select the start token and the amount you want to invest. You can use either the ID token, USDT, or USDC as part of the dual asset. step_4.png
  5. Approve the token To start a dual investment, you need to allow smart contracts to use your tokens. It's required only once for a selected token. step_5.png
  6. Start your Dual Click “Start Now” to create your ID dual and receive your reward after the staking period. step_6.png That's all! Your Dual is created, and at the end of the staking period, you can take your assets back to your wallet or open a new Dual. done.png Also, if you are interested in long-term investing, you can activate the auto-replay feature, and your dual will automatically start when the staking period ends. This will save you gas, simplify the passive income process, and increase your earnings.

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