
Chiliz (CHZ) | Price Prediction | 150% APR

Chiliz, identified by its ticker CHZ, operates on a dual-blockchain structure, integrating both Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain frameworks. It stands as the foundational token for Chiliz's innovative sports and entertainment platform, Socios, that bridges fans with premier sports brands. Through Socios, enthusiasts have a unique opportunity to secure fan tokens and NFTs, elevating their engagement to unparalleled levels.

CHZ plays an instrumental role in facilitating all transactions on Socios. Whether users are looking to acquire merchandise or specific fan tokens, CHZ is the currency of choice. Socios boasts partnerships with elite sports entities, ranging from FC Barcelona and Juventus to Manchester City, Golden State Warriors, and even Formula1. By consistently updating and diversifying its offerings, Socios solidifies its position as a leader in blockchain-powered sports engagement, making it a prime topic for enthusiasts and potential investors alike.

CHZ Price on ReHold

The price of CHZ on ReHold undergoes continuous updates, with its pricing being determined by the decentralized price oracle Chainlink. CHZ has experienced significant appreciation in value since its inception, which can be attributed to the onboarding of several notable sports brands on its platform.

How to Earn Passive Income on CHZ

ReHold presents an exclusive opportunity for users to start earning through Dual Investments and get up to 150% APR on pairs like CHZ/USDT, CHZ/USDC, and CHZ/DAI. By staking your CHZ tokens, you can enjoy passive income without actively trading.

CHZ Price Prediction

Predicting the CHZ/USD future price is challenging, given the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies. The price is influenced by several factors: project updates, asset movement across exchanges, public sentiment, emerging crypto trends, and, notably, partnerships with prominent sports brands. However, the inherent market volatility ensures price fluctuations are a given.

CHZ Value

The value of CHZ is intricately linked to the transactions involving CHZ between buyers and sellers. As a growing number of individuals purchase CHZ, the demand for CHZ will increase, thereby fortifying its market valuation.

150% APR on CHZ Duals

ReHold introduces a unique DeFi yield-generating solution. By harnessing the ReHold protocol for dual investments, users can aim for an APR of up to 150% with pairs such as CHZ/USDT, CHZ/USDC, and CHZ/DAI without actively trading.

How to Earn 150% APR on CHZ

If you're looking to generate passive income through CHZ, ReHold provides an exclusive earning opportunity. By employing the groundbreaking ReHold protocol within the Dual Investments framework, you can potentially achieve an annual percentage rate (APR) of 150% through pairs like CHZ/USDT, CHZ/USDC, and CHZ/DAI. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Connect Your Wallet Open the ReHold App and connect your Web3 wallet. Choose a Web3 wallet compatible with one or more of these networks: BNB Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Optimism, and Arbitrum. step_1.png
  2. Choose the CHZ Dual Asset Select the dual you need: CHZ/USDT, CHZ/USDC, and CHZ/DAI. You can start a dual investment with each token of the pair. step_2.png
  3. Choose a Staking Period Select how many hours you want to lock your tokens. The longer the staking period, the higher the yield you will receive. step_3.png
  4. Choose the Start Token Select the start token and the amount you want to invest. You can use the CHZ token with the USDT, USDC, or DAI of the dual asset. step_4.png
  5. Approve the token To start a dual Investment, you need to allow smart contracts to use your tokens. It's required only once for a selected token. step_5.png
  6. Start Your Dual Click “Start Now” to create your CHZ dual and receive your reward after the staking period. step_6.png That's it! After the staking period ends, you can either withdraw your assets or start a new Dual Investment. done.png Also, if you are interested in long-term investing, you can activate the auto-replay feature, and your dual will automatically restart when the staking period ends. This will save you gas, simplify the passive income process, and increase your earnings.

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