As we bid farewell to 2023, it's time to reflect on the incredible journey that ReHold has embarked upon in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, how we have been able to reshape and contribute massively to the growing user adoptions in the space, and how it impacts the DeFi world.

From its inception just one year ago as a singular protocol platform, ReHold has evolved into a multi-chain powerhouse, thus redefining the landscape of decentralized finance and providing more opportunities for Web3 participants in the same vein. While the growth has been outstanding, and this simply marks the beginning of our foray into contributing to and reforming the entirety of the Web3 and DeFi space, it's important to highlight the aasignificant milestones we marked in the full calendar year.

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A Remarkable Beginning

In January of the past year, ReHold started out as a single-protocol platform with a vision to innovate and push the boundaries of DeFi, starting with, Dual Investment, which allows users to stake their tokens for high APRs over a short duration. Little did we know then that this was just the beginning of an extraordinary expedition.

Chain Expansion: A Testament to Growth

By the end of January, ReHold had already expanded its horizons, boasting not just one but a total of nine chains: Ethereum, BNB Chain, Arbiturm, Polygon, Optimism, Avalanche, Base, Linea, and Manta; Transforming from a singular protocol on a single chain into a multi-chain DeFi powerhouse. The remarkable development in such a short span showcases ReHold's commitment to providing users with a diverse and accessible ecosystem. A testament to this growth is our users who created over 90k duals with 15k+ unique wallets, accounting for $200 million in transaction volume.

Trading Pairs Skyrocket

In the same vein, at the close of the year, the number of trading pairs on ReHold skyrocketed from a modest 30 to an impressive tally of 150, including top performers like PEPE/USDT, MEME/USDT, SOL/USDT, ETH/USDT, and unique liquidity pools such as ETH/BTC, SOL/BTC, ARB/ETH. This expansion not only increased the variety of investment opportunities for users but also solidified ReHold as a versatile platform catering to the diverse needs of the DeFi community.

Introduction of New Products

We kept the fire of innovation ablaze and shipped more products beyond our pioneer Dual Investment that provides DeFi earning opportunities for users. The last quarter of 2023 witnessed a significant milestone for ReHold as we introduced new products, enriching our offerings.

Among these additions, the On-ramp feature was introduced in collaboration with MoonPay, providing users with easy access and a seamless way to switch from fiat to crypto, making the buying and selling process faster and more efficient. In addition to this, Swap, which is powered by renowned decentralized aggregators 1inch, ParaSwap, and OpenOcean, was launched on ReHold, making it easy for users to exchange their tokens for another.

Now, ReHold stands as a comprehensive platform, seamlessly integrating on-ramp services, swaps, and duals into its array of offerings.

A Full Spectrum of Crypto Tools

With the inclusion of On-ramp, Swap, and Duals, ReHold has successfully created a full sector of crypto tools, catering to users' needs at every stage of their DeFi journey. This holistic approach sets ReHold apart, offering a one-stop shop for a wide range of decentralized financial services, eliminating the frictions and simplifying how they navigate ReHold.

Engagement and Community Collaborations

During the course of 2023, ReHold prioritized user education, community engagement, and embraced partnerships to achieve this goal by educating users about the nuances and intricacies of the crypto market. One of the approaches was by organizing a Twitter Spaces series themed 'Cryptobloodbath' that featured over 20 guests from some of the leading Web3 companies including Polygon, Avalanche, Trader Joe, Chainstack, and more.

We didn’t stop there. To foster growth in the industry and provide the best quality service, ReHold also collaborated with leading first-level blockchains including Polygon, Arbitrum, and Avalanche to further foster our services.

Looking Ahead to 2024

As ReHold wraps up an eventful 2023, the journey ahead into 2024 is filled with excitement and anticipation. Our commitment to innovation, user experience, and community growth remains unwavering. With an expanding ecosystem, diverse trading pairs, and the inclusion of a more comprehensive suite of crypto tools, ReHold is well-positioned to continue pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the world of decentralized finance, which is especially beneficial for our users.

The journey from a single protocol on one chain to a multi-chain platform with a myriad of offerings is a testament to ReHold's dedication to revolutionizing and leading the DeFi space. In 2024, you should eagerly anticipate the unfolding chapters of ReHold's success story in the dynamic world of decentralized finance, as we press harder.

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It takes seconds to create your first Dual Investment

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