GHST/DAI APY Calculator on ReHold

ReHold's innovative Dual Investment offers high APY through DEXs' Liquidity Pools, with an effective price range for concentrated liquidity over 12 or 24 hours. Earn money with our pools and take advantage of the unique benefits of dual-currency investments.

GHST/DAI Liquidity Pool

Calculate your potential profits with our APY calculator for Aavegotchi GHST Token (GHST) or (PoS) Dai Stablecoin (DAI). Know exactly how many tokens you'll receive after the staking period, and rest assured that the APY is fixed once you create a Dual.

Main Features of ReHold Dual Investment

Full Control

Access high APY of up to 220% with fully controlled liquidity staking on 12-24 hour terms. Claim or replay your Dual at any time, not only for GHST/DAI but also for other available pairs. ReHold offers lucrative opportunities for earning.

Gas-Free Transactions

Boost your profits and reduce costs with ReHold's gas-free functions, including Yield Compound, Replay, and Auto-Replay. No need to pay any gas fees, so you can maximize your earnings in Aavegotchi GHST Token (GHST) or (PoS) Dai Stablecoin (DAI).

Easy to Use

ReHold's Dual Investment is exceptionally user-friendly for both beginners and advanced traders. Compared to Uniswap, PancakeSwap, and other CLMMs, there's no need to set the price range. Everything is pre-configured, making it easy to use and accessible for anyone.

Dual Investment and Swap Synergy

Enjoy the combination of Dual Investment and Swaps on ReHold, allowing you to swap GHST/DAI with minimal slippage and smart routing across DEXes. Our platform is your one-stop destination for all your crypto needs.

How to Earn 89.84% APY on GHST/DAI

If you're interested in earning passive income on Aavegotchi GHST Token (GHST) or (PoS) Dai Stablecoin (DAI), ReHold offers a unique DeFi earning solution. You can earn up to 89.84% APY on GHST/DAI using the innovative ReHold protocol at Dual Investments. Follow these easy steps to try it out:

  1. Connect Your Wallet You can connect with a range of wallets including MetaMask, Trust Wallet, Coinbase Wallet, and others, or even sign in using Gmail for added convenience. How to Earn 89.84% APY on GHST/DAI on ReHold (Step 1)
  2. Select Your Dual Asset Pair Click the “Dual Asset” bar and choose your preferred pairing from the dropdown menu. How to Earn 89.84% APY on GHST/DAI on ReHold (Step 2)
  3. Choose Your Staking Plan Decide on a staking duration – either 12 or 24 hours. Longer staking periods can yield higher returns. How to Earn 89.84% APY on GHST/DAI on ReHold (Step 3)
  4. Select Your Start Token Select the specific token from the pair you wish to stake (any token within the pair is selectable) and then input the desired staking amount. How to Earn 89.84% APY on GHST/DAI on ReHold (Step 4)
  5. Approve the Token Allow smart contracts to use your tokens for staking. This approval is only required once for each token. How to Earn 89.84% APY on GHST/DAI on ReHold (Step 5)
  6. Opt for Auto-Replay (Optional) For continuous staking, you can enable the Auto-Replay feature. This function automatically renews your stake at the end of the period, saving gas fees and simplifying the process. How to Earn 89.84% APY on GHST/DAI on ReHold (Step 6)
  7. Start Staking Click “Start Now” to initiate your staking. Remember, ReHold does not charge additional fees; you will only need to cover the gas fees to initiate and conclude the staking period. How to Earn 89.84% APY on GHST/DAI on ReHold (Step 7)

That's all! Your Dual is now created. At the end of the staking period, you have the option to withdraw your assets back to your wallet or open a new Dual to continue investing.

How to Earn 89.84% APY on GHST/DAI on ReHold (Step 8)


ReHold's Dual Investment offers unique opportunities, including up to 220% APY, support for 9 blockchains, a wide range of 80+ tokens, and over 250 available pairs. Don't miss out on these incredible chances to earn and grow your crypto portfolio.

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